Information about cookies
The site uses cookies (and similar technologies), so we can follow the preferences of visitors to this site and improve the website on the basis of this information.
What are cookies?
Cookies are text files containing small amounts of data which get stored in the browser of your computer, phone or other device. During each subsequent visit of this website, the browser sends these files back to the server of the website.
Cookies function in various ways. For example they remember your preferences (the font size, style and other specific customizations of the user), they help our website to function properly (they help to remember the log in details, streamline your purchasing actions, etc.) and overall increase the user’s comfort. They can also ensure that the commercials and ads you see online match your interests and preferences. However a specific person cannot be identified on the basis of these files.
More general information about cookies:
Can you refuse the use of cookies?
The use of cookies (i.e. disabling them) can be set using your internet browser (usually Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.). Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Cookies can be disabled or managed using these browsers
For more information about browsers and ways of rejecting cookies follow these links:
• Internet Explorer
• Firefox
• Chrome
• Opera
Disabling cookies however, may lead to loss of comfort which our website offers.