The role of the companies is in ongoing change and development. Nowadays it is not the only target financial profit, but it is overtaking the responsibility for the impact on the society and its environment.
As a family company we realize that we have responsibility for our employees, customers, suppliers and surrounding communities.
Our aim is to firmly follow social, ethical and environmental values. We want to positively influence both all that is dealing with us as well as protect the environment. All our processes fulfill requirements in specific ISO certification.
Our company and customers
We work together with a variety of customers starting with do-it-yourself, professionals, industrial companies ending with schools. Our priority is to understand their needs and offer them various solutions to their problems through our products.

We appreciate all our customers and we strive to offer them quality products for fair price, above standard customer service and advisory.
We adapt our offers in a way so that everybody can find its thing. In case of unclarity or any kind of difficulties our customers can contact us through chat on e-shop, e-mail, social networks, by telephone or visit us in person in our sales center.
On our website we publish a variety of technical articles for example how to choose a proper product or tutorials for the creation of various wood projects.
On our youtube channel we regularly publish product introduction videos of our machines that we shoot on our own in our testing center, or other informational videos about our products.
Our working space
We strive to create a comfortable working environment full of support and understanding in which everybody can fully develop its potential regardless of age, ethical, or religious differences.
We intend to provide attractive working opportunities and in this way attract quality and capable workers. We regularly invest into the development of our employees so we can provide to our customers above standard customer care, advisory and after-sales service. Our aim is the best results while working with our tools and machinery.
For development we do following 4 steps:
1. Our employees undertake internal and external training.
The topics of training include among others behavior towards customers, selling skills, managerial skills, increasing of professional qualifications, how to properly sort the waste, and security and health protection during working. Our employees are motivated to gain qualifications by its individual personal development plan.
2. We wish that all our employees take a part in the success of our company.
That is why they are rewarded by both monthly and annual bonuses according to the financial success of the company. As well as they are appropriately rewarded for their executed work. Salary is above average compared to salaries in the same professions and industry.

3. We care for the health of our employees.
Every year we cover health checkups at our company doctor. We support everyone that takes part in a healthy lifestyle. For example those that cycle or walk to work. A pleasant, perfect and secure working environment is a essential for us.
4. Apart from opinions and wishes of our customers we are open and listen to responses and suggestions of all of our employees.
Every year we organize either a personal interview or anybody can raise their voice and comment on the course of the company that will be discussed.
We support
Surrounding communities
Our commitment is to support surrounding communities and charities.
In the year 2020 we decided to financially support Kryštúfek endowment fund, Good Angel endowment and Czech Union for Nature Conservation. Every year we also contribute to the local sport community TJ Sokol Tuchoměřice.
We support shared joinery and craft workshops that offer training courses for children and adults.
It is Hobbylab in Rousinov next to Brno, community workshop PONK in Prague and craft incubator in Ostrava. We give to schools discounts for tools and machinery. For example it is the Academy of Arts Architecture and Design in Prague, High school of construction crafts Brno-Bosonohy, Integrated high school Semily and Faculty of Architecture at Brno university of technology.
Protection of environment
We do our best to protect and save our environment.
We strive to produce the minimum of a waste that goes to the dump. That is why we reduce all materials in the best way possible. We recycle the following materials: papers, plastics, beverage cartoons, woods, metals, chemicals, oils, bulbs, electrical and bio waste.
The company also includes a grassy area on which several diverse trees, shrubs and plants are planted. There is also a composter built here, into which we bring all company biowaste. We use LED lighting throughout the complex, which saves nature due to low energy consumption and long life.

Local production
It is important for us to support production in Czechia therefore there are many of our products developed and produced in Czech Republic.
Among main products is for example Kitchen Worktop Panel Jig, Boring Template Set or Dovetail Jig. We also support production in the EU. For example we deliver CMT Orange Tools router bits made in Italy and many other products made in Austria, Poland or Germany.
Health and security at work, and our suppliers
At all workplaces there is a security and health of employees and all personnel moving in our facilities.
All equipment and work processes are designed in a way so that they are safe. We provide to our employees appropriate working and protective tools, information and training. In order to ensure security and health at our workplace we cooperate with professional company PREVENT that is no. 1 in Czechia in the area of safety measures at work and fire protection.
Human rights
Compliance of human rights should be a principle of any company.
We believe that everybody has the right to work in a professional environment without being harassed or abused, This relates to both our employees and our suppliers. That is why we regularly check them through either our local sales representatives or we visit our suppliers on our own. We want to make sure that workers in factories of our suppliers are not exposed to dangerous working conditions, forced labor or other unethical ways of treatment. Besides all, we are a member of SEDEX that strives to improve the working conditions of suppliers’ chains.