Biscuit & Domino Joiners

Biscuit Joiners For Milling Grooves For Various Sizes of Lamello and Domino.

The Proper use of biscuit joiners

The biscuit jointer is one of those power tools which has been around for a number of years, having first been developed in the early 60s by Swiss woodworker, Hermann Steiner who formed Lamello, unquestionably the market leader for these extremely versatile machines... read on

Although biscuit jointers are nowadays capable of very sophisticated ways of joining and hinging, the basic operation remains the same: a very quick and easy.

How to make the most of your biscuit joiner?

Festool Joining machine DF 500 Q-Plus DOMINO
Order Code: 576413
915.00 €
1 125.45 € incl. VAT
Festool Joining machine DF 500 Q-Set DOMINO
Order Code: 576420
1 007.00 €
1 238.61 € incl. VAT
Festool Joining machine DF 700 EQ-Plus DOMINO XL
Order Code: 576426
1 266.00 €
1 557.18 € incl. VAT