Spiral Router Cutters

The Ultimate Technology for Industrial CNC Tools

DLCS is a modified diamond-like carbon coating with enhanced load bearing capacity. A hard, durable metal-based layer (chromium nitride) provides an higher hardness surface and increases the resilience of the superposed, tribologically effective carbon coating. Coating prevents high heats which is detrimental to cutting tool performance and will remain fully effective after use... read more



IGM 192 Downcut Spiral Router Cutter HWM Z2 - D3x12 L50 S=3
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17.09 €
21.02 € incl. VAT


IGM 191 Upcut Spiral Router Cutter HWM Z2 - D3x12 L60 S=6
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24.29 €
29.88 € incl. VAT


IGM 190 Up & Downcut Spiral Router Cutter HWM - D4x15 L50 S=4 Z1+1
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18.29 €
22.50 € incl. VAT
CMT C151 CHROME Solid Surface & Fiberglass Bit 135° - D6x19 L60 S=6
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30.76 €
37.83 € incl. VAT
CMT C151 CHROME Solid Surface & Fiberglass Bit - D6x19 L60 S=6
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29.06 €
35.74 € incl. VAT
IGM 191 Spiral Router Cutter for Window Seals HWM Z2 - D3,5x12 L60 S=6
Order Code: C19163511
24.29 €
29.88 € incl. VAT
IGM 190.41 DLCS Chrome Up & Downcut Spiral Router Cutter HWM - D9,52x22,2 I1=4,8 L76,2 S=9,52 Z2+2
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75.42 €
92.77 € incl. VAT