There's plenty of reasons to have fresh air in your workshop and there's also one simple solution

Today I would like talk about the importance of fresh air in your workshop.
In this sense, we view clean air as one without dust particles, which can vary in sizes. All particles in the air, which we breathe in, can settle in our lungs and thus have a negative influence on our health. A woodshop is basically a dust factory producing harmful particles you would not find in an office space.
One of the reasons behind this is the health of the people working in such environment, they can use a respirator, however it is far more efficient and better to continuously clean the air with the filtration unit JET ASF-1000, which captures particles of the size of 5 and 1 microns in two filtering phases – a regular dust extractor will not capture particles smaller than 30 microns. And that is a huge difference.
Common rules for air filtration in your woodshop
JET ASF-1000 is also suitable for a small workshop, where the space for woodworking and varnishing is not separated. Firstly, components are made that are later glued together and perfectly sanded. Secondly, you prepare the woodshop for varnishing, when you have to not only get rid of the settled dust but also for the one floating in the air. Jet filtration system comes in handy precisely in this situation. After a few minutes, the air in the workshop is cleaner, far more than by just opening windows and doors.

The JET filtration unit helps you clean the air when sanding, cleaning up, or before and during varnishing.

The air purity in your workshop is guaranteed by a unique construction of the filtration unit which uses biphasic filtration provided by specially manufactured filters. The filtration unit is also equipped with a remotely controlled timer and three filtration speeds.
You can also enhance the possibilities and efficiency of your JET unit in one stroke

You receive an antistatic pre-filter in the basic equipment, this filter is perfect for dust filtration in a woodshop.
If you were to switch this filter with the activated charcoal JET pre-filter marked as 121-708734, you could even use the unit in a metal workshop.

This filter is made out of activated charcoal and has properties beyond compare because of this.
The filter can capture a wide spectrum of volatile substances in paint shops, as well as evaporating liquids like water and oil, pure biogas or natural gas.
The air in your workshop will be truly harmless, thanks to the JET filter with activated charcoal.
Thanks to its properties and functions, the JET AFS-1000 filtration unit is the only device that can be used to efficiently filter air in various environments and to also filter different materials.
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