CMT C822 Slot Cutter without Recess - D31,75xd8, I6mm

CMT C822 Slot Cutter without Recess - D31,75xd8, I6mm

List price
15.75 €
19.37 € incl. VAT

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5% /From 10 pcs

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1 pcs
15.75 €
19.37 € incl. VAT
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15.75 €
19.37 € incl. VAT

Cutting diameter (D)31,75 mm
Cutting height (I)6 mm
CMT C991 Ogee Rail and Stile Matched Pair - D31,75 t11-17,5 S=12 HW
Order Code: C99151711
126.11 €
155.12 € incl. VAT
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