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Trend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD Mask
Trend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD MaskTrend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD Mask

Trend Air Stealth Lite Pro FFP3 RD Mask

List price
9.07 €
11.16 € incl. VAT

30% / 3.35 € incl. VAT

Your price
6.35 €
7.81 € incl. VAT

Quantity discount
5% /From 10 pcs

Availability on stores
Main Warehouse (delivery within 2-3 days)
> 10 pcs

Order Code


Lightweight multi-shift disposable FFP3 RD rated face mask.

• Soft face seal and adjustable straps for comfortable day long protection.
• Large filter area for easy breathing
• Full 8 hours of use per filter for all day protection.
• HEPAC*-Lite filter media for 99%+ filtration efficiency, captures dust as fine as 0.3 microns at 50 litres per minute.
• Suitable for all woodworking tasks, masonry and demolition work, fibreglass, mixing concrete, mortar and plaster, welding, hand and power sanding and many more.
• Ideal for clean up tasks where harmful airborne dust is generated.
• Protection against airborne Coronavirus when used in conjunction with basic hygiene**

This product includes:
• 1 x Complete mask assembly

* High Efficiency Particulate Air Composite.
** For multi-shift use - should be disinfected using anti-bacterial wipes.

JET 31A Belt Disc Sander
Order Code: 121-31AM
1 875.12 €
2 306.40 € incl. VAT
JET OES-80CS Oscillating Edge Sander - 400V
Order Code: 121-OES-80CST
1 883.29 €
2 316.45 € incl. VAT


IGM PD80 Edgeband Trimmer
Order Code: 142-PD80
229.50 €
282.28 € incl. VAT


IGM LAGUNA 1632 SuperMax Drum Sander
Order Code: 151-1632
1 510.00 €
1 857.30 € incl. VAT
IGM LAGUNA 1938 SuperMax Drum Sander
Order Code: 151-1938
2 178.00 €
2 678.94 € incl. VAT
JET JDS-12X Disc Sander
Order Code: 121-JDS-12X
338.21 €
416.00 € incl. VAT
JET OES-80CSM  Oscillating Edge Sander - 230V
Order Code: 121-OES-80CSM
1 917.53 €
2 358.56 € incl. VAT
JET JWDS-1836 Drum Sander
Order Code: 121-JWDS-1836M
1 699.79 €
2 090.74 € incl. VAT
CMT10 New Trimmer 550 W, Collets 8 mm & 6 mm
Order Code: CMT10N
94.96 €
116.80 € incl. VAT
JET JSG-96 Combination Belt & Disc Sander
Order Code: 121-JSG-96M
798.54 €
982.20 € incl. VAT
JET JWDS-2244 Oscillating Drum Sander
Order Code: 121-JWDS-2244OSC
3 184.73 €
3 917.22 € incl. VAT


CMT 7E Router 2400 W, Collet 8 & 12 mm
Order Code: CMT7E
406.00 €
499.38 € incl. VAT
CMT 8E Router 1000 W, Collet 8 and 12mm
Order Code: CMT8E
291.30 €
358.30 € incl. VAT
JET JWDS-1632 Drum Sander
Order Code: 121-JWDS-1632M
1 615.85 €
1 987.50 € incl. VAT
JET JBOS-5 Oscillating Spindle Sander
Order Code: 121-JBOS-5M
789.14 €
970.64 € incl. VAT
JET DDS-225 Dual Drum Sander 635mm
Order Code: 121-DDS-225
4 657.59 €
5 728.84 € incl. VAT
JET DDS-237 Dual Drum Sander 940 mm
Order Code: 121-DDS-237T
6 767.77 €
8 324.36 € incl. VAT
JET JOSS-S Oscillating Spindle Sander
Order Code: 121-JOSS-SM
1 991.63 €
2 449.70 € incl. VAT
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