Rotary Tool Cutting Disc Set 35pcs + mandrel S=3,2 mm

Rotary Tool Cutting Disc Set 35pcs + mandrel S=3,2 mm

List price
3.35 €
4.12 € incl. VAT

Quantity discount
5% /From 10 pcs

Availability on stores
Main Warehouse (delivery within 2-3 days)
9 pcs

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A 35 pc set of cutting discs with a 22 mm diameter with a replaceable 3,2 mm mandrel. Suitable of cutting of bolts, screws, sheet metal, thin wood and plastic. The discs are only suitable for cutting along their edge. Make sure you do not expose the discs to lateral pressure, do not use them for sanding or cutting of curved holes. Maxi.speed 28,000rpm.

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