Festool Sanding pad ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HT
Festool Sanding pad ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HTFestool Sanding pad ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HTFestool Sanding pad ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HT

Festool Sanding pad ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HT

List price
51.10 €
62.85 € incl. VAT

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The sanding pad for universal use.

The ST-STF 125/8-M4-J W-HT sanding pad is suitable for the ES 125, ETS 125 and ETSC 125. Thanks to the burr layer, quickly changing abrasive is possible without any difficulty. The soft version is ideal for universal use on even and curved surfaces.

Main applications

  • Robust and suitable for universal use
  • Automotive
  • Painting/varnishing work
  • Furniture manufacture

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