CMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs set
CMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs setCMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs set

CMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps 2 pcs set

List price
38.00 €
46.74 € incl. VAT

Quantity discount
5% /From 10 pcs

Availability on stores
Main Warehouse (delivery within 2-3 days)
> 10 pcs

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CMT Adjustable Corner Frame Clamps will easily create the perfect 90 ° angle or handy T-joints typical in shelving, cabinets and frame applications using boards of variable thicknesses from 6 to 25.4 mm. These clamps allow you to work independently, and above all, hands-free to glue, dry-fit, nail, screw, or square your joint securely and accurately – just like a professional.

The special design allows you to immobilize the panels from the inside (hex key) and from the outside (knob) according to your project needs. Set up is easy as 1-2-3:  position the clamp, twist the knob and presto! Equal pressure is instantly applied on each side of the corner and you have a perfectly squared 90 ° joint!

Made of sturdy and durable plastic material, the clamp features a double graduated scale in mm / inches for a broad range of adjustments.

Size: 100x100x35 mm

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